segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

It's isn't its

It's e its tem o mesmo som e são frequentemente confundidos, mas são bem diferentes.

Substantivo + 's = possessivo
O Bill tem um carro. O carro do Bill é Bill's car. John e Mary, por outro lado, tem uma casa. A casa de John e Mary é John and Mary's house. Esta construção com apóstrofo mais s funciona beleza para substantivos, mas não se aplica a pronomes.

Pronomes possessivos: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
Existe uma série de pronomes possessivos. Nenhum deles inclui um apóstrofo. Ele tem um carro. O carro é dele. The car is his ou It is his car. O cachorro tem a casa dele. The dog has its house. A firma dá alojamento gratuito aos seus funcionários. The firm gives its workers free housing.

It's = it is ou it has
Acabamos de ver que o possessivo its não tem apóstrofo, mas it's é muito usado. Trata-se de uma forma contraída que pode representar it has our it is. Quando é usada no present perfect com o particípio passado, it's = it has. Já choveu muito. It's (it has) rained a lot. Tem sido bem difícil para ele. It's (it has) been very hard for him. Quando regular, o particípio passado termina em -ed, mas há muitas formas irregulares como come/came/come, eat/ate/eaten, go-goes/went/gone, e muitas outras. Quando it's não é present perfect, equivale a it is. Está chovendo - It's (it is) raining. É difícil - It's (it is) difficult. É um gato - It's (it is) a cat. Está aqui. It's (it is) here. Está fechado. It's (it is) closed. Diga-se de passagem que não é obrigatório contrair it + has ou is. Não contrair soa um pouco formal e engomado na conversação, mas é bastante comum no inglês escrito.

Não é raro encontrar a confusão entre it's e its nos escritos de falantes nativos de inglês na internet. Pelo visto, muita gente matou a aula sobre essa matéria na escola. Até parece que its está entrando em desuso - mas não aqui no George's Blog!

5 comentários:

Luiz Vencio disse...

Beleza pura, Georgo!

George disse...

Dankegon, Lufercxjo!

Net Satelite disse...

Congratulations, Prof. Roberts! May God´s peace remain with you and your family! As a matter of fact, your whole didactic material is really amazing! The texts are nice to read and full of practical informations. For us who know American English and Portuguese languages, we consider your blog a blessing from Almighty God. Even for a translator like me, who has been studying 6 different languages for more than 42 years! For heaven´s sake, keep on working! This link is a homage to your large teaching experience: Professor Nielsen, a hispanic-american Christian Missionary, Director of Proyecto Idiomas En America Del Sur, an American Language Project begun in 2005 in North America that deals with American English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Courses, besides 7 Computer Courses in South America. Affiliated with Net Satelite Technology, a Computers Company that deals with Website development and is a well-known Wi-Fi Internet Provider (Website:

Net Satelite disse...

Congratulations, Prof. Roberts! May God´s peace remain with you and your family! As a matter of fact, your whole didactic material is really amazing! The texts are nice to read and full of practical informations. For us who know American English and Portuguese languages, we consider your blog a blessing from Almighty God. Even for a translator like me, who has been studying 6 different languages for more than 42 years! For heaven´s sake, keep on working! This link is a homage to your large teaching experience: Professor Nielsen, a hispanic-american Christian Missionary, Director of Proyecto Idiomas En America Del Sur, an American Language Project begun in 2005 in North America that deals with American English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Courses, besides 7 Computer Courses in South America. Affiliated with Net Satelite Technology, a Computers Company that deals with Website development and is a well-known Wi-Fi Internet Provider (Website:

Gilvan disse...

For me, it was a nice surprise to know your blog and its informations. I am proud to have you as my teacher. Today was my first class. So, please, correct my mistakes in this message. Till thursday. Gilvan.