domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Audio, Video, Transcripts..... and Controversy (English version)

Here's a site that has downloadable video, audio to put on your phone, interviews and colloquial everyday language and in some cases even a translation into Portuguese (and several other languages too). But it is controversial to put it mildly and certainly unique. Unlike the Voice of America, Speak Up, CNN, and up to Democracy Now! this site is going to offend, turn off and exasperate some people. But those who like it really like it. The site is, organized by the American filmmaker Kerry Cassidy and British business consultant Bill Ryan. I'm a died-in-the wool fan of Camelot, and I have to say that it has changed my world view in many respects. If you are interested, that interest will motivate you to try to understand everything, and as you know, motivation is just about everything in the area of language learning.

The purpose of Camelot is to make the public aware of confidential, above-top-secret information from people involved in secret government projects (usually American), so-called whistleblowers, UFOs, people who have had contact with aliens or have information about their activities and their involvement with us throughout our history, post-WW II Nazi involvement with the US government and the postwar world, the "secret government" behind the scenes and its plans for us, possible planetary changes, 2012, free energy, a cure for cancer and AIDS that actually works and that the pharmaceutical industry wants to suppress - either this stuff intrigues you or it doesn't. The list of topics is very, very long, but obviously some people are simply not going to be interested in all or most of them.

If you decide to venture into this fascinating world, a good place to start is "The Big Picture," a summary of the Camelot worldview: . You can read the English original here: . I recommend reading the original first in Lingro, then the Brazilian version if necessary, and finally the English transcript a second time to review the content and vocabulary.

Depending on your level of English, you may or may not want to refer to the Portuguese translation. If you think this would be useful, take a look at the list of translations into Portuguese here: .
Here you can watch the video (or download the audio), read the transcript with or without English translation, and repeat the process a few times. At first, it might be easiest to limit yourself to five-to-ten minute excerpts until you get the hang of the process.

One of the best the few interviews translated into Portuguese is that of historian Richard Dolan, a rigorous researcher and the author of two books on the US government UFO coverup. You can read the translation here: . The original transcript is here: .
You can find links to the video, audio and transcript here: # Richard_Dolan .

Some of my favorites are the interviews with Jim Humble, Bob Dean, Brian O'Leary and Wade Frazier, Peter Levenda, George Lo Buono, etc, etc.. Each visitor will have his or her preferences, but it takes a while to find your way around a site as large and rich as this. Not all videos have transcripts, but you can take a look at the transcript page to find those that do and then look for the original interviews on video.

Bon voyage!

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