quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

A Drink for Psychos?

Coming to school this morning I saw a car decorated with the logo of an energy drink Made In Austria, land of energy drinks, called Psycho Drink (www.psychodrink.com). In words such as psychiatry, psychologist, psyche and psychic,  the p disappears so all of these words begin with an /s/ sound.   Somebody specializing in psychology at college  is a psych (sayk) major. But a psycho / sayko / is something altogether different.. A psycho is a psychotic or a psychopath. In the famous 1960 movie called Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock,  Norman Bates,  the psycho owner of the Bates Motel, was memorably played by Anthony Perkins. .

Another film, American Psycho, based on the novel of the same name, was about a serial killer on Wall Street who hid his psychopathic tendencies from his coworkers. 
A drink called Psycho Drink certainly gives the impression that this is a drink for psychos, or at the very least that it will turn you into a psycho if you drink enough of it.   Was this really what the manufacturer intended?

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